The rules of Warrantti ry
1§ Name and domicile
The name of the association is Warrantti ry (later referred to as the association) and its domicile is the City of Vaasa.
2§ Purpose
The association is a non-affiliated association of business students at the University of Vaasa, whose purpose is to promote and develop the business school at the University of Vaasa. The association acts as a supervisor of interests and as a connecting factor of the students the during their studies, both in matters concerning their studies and in social matters.
activities. The association also represents its members at national level.
3§ Activities
In order to achieve its aims, the association organises meetings, training events and seminars for educational development, as well as discussion and leisure activities for social interaction and the promotion of the development of the social environment. In addition to the above, active contacts with similar organisations are an important form of activity to organisations in other higher education institutions. The association also carries out activities outside the university community: communication, education and study counselling outside the association. The association may carry out activities or services to its members, such as introduction to the university environment, academic counselling, and
maintaining an examination archive. These services shall, as far as possible, be free of charge to members or self-costed. In order to support its activities, the association may organise fun events where a fee is charged and may own the movable and immovable property necessary for its activities, may receive donations and with the appropriate authorisation organise raffles, fund-raising events and other activities.
4§ Members
The Association may have full members, sustaining members, exchange student members and honorary members.
Anyone pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in economics from the University of Vaasa may become a full member of the association. The Board may admit as associate member a person or legal entity wishing to support the activities of the association. The General Assembly may on the proposal of the Board invite as honorary members persons who, through their activities, have made a significant contribution to the association. Honorary membership is the highest distinction of the association. The association may by the decision of the Board award honorary and meritorious medals and other similar distinctions, which shall be prescribed by the traditional rules adopted by the association’s General Assembly. Exchange student membership shall be open to a person pursuing a degree in economics at a foreign university who has received an official exchange application form. After joining the association, exchange student members do not become student members of Vaasan Ekonomit or Suomen Ekonomit. Exchange student-, honorary- and supporter members are incompetent and therefore ineligible for election at the meetings of the association. Acquired membership rights shall be retained.
5§ Resignation and expulsion of members
After an actual member completes a higher university degree in economics or when member´s study right ends, the member must show a free will to continue a membership as a sustaining member, after which the Board decides on acceptance as a sustaining member. Exchange students may be dismissed or may resign when they are no longer studying at the faculty. A member has the right to withdraw from the association by giving written notice to the Board or the Chair of the Board or by announcing the resignation at the meeting of the General Assembly and having it entered in the record. The resignation shall take effect upon notification from the date of the notice.
6§ Membership fee
The amount of the membership- and joining fee for full members, exchange student members and sustaining members shall be decided at the Autumn meeting of the General Assembly. Honorary members are exempted from membership fees.
7§ Audit of the accounts
The association shall have an auditor and a deputy auditor in accordance with the applicable law on auditing. The auditor may be a natural person or an auditing firm.
8§ Meetings of the association
The General Assembly of the association shall be held twice a year, the first in April and the second in November. An extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened without delay if at least one of the following (1/50) of the membership requests it in written form or the Board sees it necessary. Notice of the meeting shall be given at least 14 days before the meeting in the official publication of the association, the e-mail list maintained by the association and the official website of the association. For honorary and sustaining members, the Board shall give at least 7 days’ notice of the General Assembly by post or e-mail.
9§ Spring meeting
At the General Assembly in April, at least the following matters shall be discussed:
1. Presentation of the report of the association’s activities for the previous calendar year.
2. To present the report of the auditor and to approve the accounts for the previous financial year.
3. To decide on the discharge of the Board for the previous term of office.
10§ Autumn meeting
The following matters shall be discussed at the General Assembly in November:
1. The Chair of the Board shall be elected by direct election. Other members of the Board shall be elected by majority vote.
2. To approve the Board’s proposals for the next term of the association. The Board of Directors shall adopt the action plan and the budget for the next term. These may be amended at a later date by the General Assembly.
3. To elect an auditor and a deputy auditor for the next financial year.
4. To decide on the membership fee in accordance with Article 6.
11§ Meeting procedures
The General Assembly is quorate when it has been legally convened. Meetings shall be held record signed by the Chair of the Board, the secretary and two scrutineers elected at the meeting to certify that they correspond to the proceedings of the meeting. The voting may be conducted at meetings by a simple majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise provided in these rules. In the event of a tie, the Chair of the Board shall have the casting vote, except in the case of elections of persons or by closed ballot, in which case the decision shall be taken by lot.
12§ Board and Officers
The matters discussed at the association’s meetings are prepared, and the decisions made, are implemented by the Board.The Board of Directors shall consist of the Chair of the Board, the Secretary, the Treasurer and a maximum of nine (9) other members.The Board elects from among its members a Vice-Chair and from among its members or from outside the other necessary members. The term f the Board shall be one calendar year. The Board and its members shall
enjoy the confidence of the General Assembly. The dismissal of a member of the Board may be handled ate the General Assembly, on a proposal from the Chair of the Board, if a majority of the Board is in favour.
At the meeting dealing with the dismissal, a decision must be taken by the board of the possible
replenishment of the Board.
13§ Financial management
The Board shall carefully manage the assets of the association and keep its funds in a reliable and
and in a manner advantageous to the association. The Warrantti’s Financial Regulations shall be the guideline for financial management.
14§ Committees and action groups
The Board is free to establish committees or working groups and to appoint officers. For all the above
The term of office and the powers of each must be defined. In addition, the association shall have under its authority Warrantti Heritage Society, as a non-autonomous subdivision, as provided for in the Heritage Statutes.
15§ Meetings of the Board
The quorum of the Board is constituted when, in addition to the Chair of the Board or Vice-Chair, at least
half of the Board members are present. The Board is convened by the Chair of the Board, or in his or her absence, the Vice-Chair. The meeting shall also be convened if at least three (3) of the members request it. A meeting of the Board must be convened at least 1 day before the meeting.
16§ Writing the name of the association
The name of the association is written by the Chair of the Board, Vice-Chair and secretary, always two together.
17§ Financial period and annual accounts
The financial year of the association shall be the calendar year. The financial statements shall be submitted to the auditor for audit at least one month before the spring meeting. The auditors shall issue a report on the accounts at the end of each month.
The auditors shall submit their audit report no later than 14 days before the spring meeting.
18§ Amendment of the statutes and dissolution of the association
An amendment to these rules must be approved at two consecutive meetings, at least every 14 days, each of which shall require a 2/3 majority of the votes cast. The association’s dissolution must be decided at two meetings held at least every 14 days, at which both meetings shall require a ¾ majority of the votes cast. The General Assembly may approve the association and
and its organs by a simple majority.
19§ Distribution of funds in the event of the dissolution of the Association
If the Association is dissolved, its assets shall be made available to support the Economics and Business Administration of the University of Vaasa and its students in the manner determined by the last General Assembly.
20§ Expulsion of members
The Board of the association can dismiss a member on the grounds mentioned in § 14 of the Association Act. In addition to that, improper or threatening behavior at the association’s events may be grounds for dismissal. Those concerned should always be consulted before making a final decision.
21§ Other activities
Otherwise, the association’s activities are governed by the provisions of the current Associations Act.