Media division
Wykyzine is the magazine for the business students in the University of Vaasa. It is published four times a year. W-podi is Warrantti’s podcast that you can find from Spotify.
Content in the magazine consists of both informative and entertaining topics. Anything that interests business students!
Since 2021 Media division has also produced content in the form of soundwaves; Warrantti’s very own podcast W-Podi on Spotify! Topics also range from informative episodes to entertaining ones.
Media division consists of magazine editors and podcast technicians and hosts. Therefore, Media division is one of the biggest divisions in Warrantti. If you have an idea either for the podcast or the magazine do not hesitate to contact us!
Media division 2024
Media Manager:Akseli Jakonen
Media Division 2024:
Jonni Kuortti
Jenna Virtanen
Lasse Lappi
Joonatan Haataja
Matilda Martikainen
Joonas Pesonen
Kristiina Husu
Ada Palovaara
Janette Huttunen
Ella Jussila
Sanna Erkinheimo
Nea Sormunen